Volunteering policy

Creating and implementing a policy on volunteering in the Bulgarian Red Cross
According to the Plan of the Secretariat of the Federation in support of the development of volunteering in the National Societies (ND) at the end of the period 2001-2005:
  • The majority of NDs must have introduced systematic volunteer management at the local level or work actively in this direction;

  • The majority of ND seeks, creates and shares knowledge and information about volunteering and systematic volunteer management;

  • The twenty largest NDs in terms of members and volunteers have reliable statistics on their members and volunteers, and the remaining NDs are in the process of introducing such a system.

Based on the provisions of the Federation's 2010 Strategy, the Guidelines for Creating a Volunteering Policy and the above-mentioned Plan in Support of Volunteering, as well as the provisions of the BRC's 2010 Strategy, the ORSP Directorate has developed a comprehensive program and action plan. which were designed as a project proposed for funding of ND - our traditional partners in implementing the priority activities of the organization. The project called "Development and implementation of volunteering policy in the Bulgarian Red Cross" was financially supported by the Spanish Red Cross and its implementation began in July 2003 with the creation of the Volunteering Development Policy and strategy for its implementation at the regional level. zonal trainings ”of the volunteers and the staff at regional and municipal level and with“ approbations ”of good practices, passed through the establishment of the Expert team on volunteering and its work“ in the field ”in 10 regional organizations to graduate in 2007 - 2008 This systematic activity of introducing modern volunteer management was presented to our partners from the Federation and the National Assembly and was highly appreciated by them at the Regional Meeting on Organizational Development ( Budapest, 2005), at the annual meetings of the European Network for the Development of Volunteering (of which we have been a member since 2006) and most of all - at the General Assembly of the IFRC / PE with awarding our ND with the only award of the Federation in 2007 for his achievements in the introduction of modern volunteer management, and especially - at the local level. and the implementation of the Policy for the Development of Volunteering in the Bulgarian Red Cross undoubtedly gives us grounds to state that we are already perceived as one of the leading NDs in this field.

However, this places even higher demands on our future activities and on our possible appearances as a methodological center on the problems of volunteering in the region. Priority tasks for the next period are the creation and implementation of a modern information system for volunteer management in the Bulgarian Red Cross, psychological and socio-psychological aspects of volunteering in the European Union, the introduction of e-learning in modern volunteer management as the main form of transmission. and exchange of knowledge and skills of volunteer managers and coordinators in the country.

The implementation of the activities under the partnership programs for implementation of the elements of modern volunteer management in the work of the national and regional organizations would not have a sustainable impact if it is not accompanied by "formalization" of the system for recruitment, training and retention of volunteers. The establishment in October 2006 of the Volunteer Service substructure of the ORSP Directorate and the opening of the event on December 5 - International Volunteer Day, at the office of the service in the building of the Secretariat of the National Assembly, are the first important steps to institutionalize volunteering. management at the national level and are in line with the requirements of the IFRC / PE for the development of volunteering policy in national companies. The process of building an extensive network of volunteer clubs at the district and municipal level has begun, which as elements of the new structure create conditions not only to penetrate the "heart" of each community and increase the number of supporters and friends of the organization, but also systematic implementation of such essential elements of volunteer management as the representative database and modern information support at all organizational levels.