Monitoring and evaluation system

In accordance with the Updated Strategy of the Bulgarian Red Cross until 2010 and the tasks set in it for the development of the organization's capacity, one of the priorities in the new structure of the Bulgarian Red Cross was the creation of a comprehensive system for monitoring and evaluating the activities and structures of the Bulgarian Red Cross. Developed as an appropriate institutional tool for evaluation and self-assessment at the organizational level, the evaluation system of regional Red Cross organizations is a set of evaluation criteria that, in practice, represent the standards for a well-functioning organization. Based on these criteria, management, supervisory and management bodies, employees, members and volunteers can assess the overall state of their organization and at the same time work to gradually reach the set standards.

In connection with the newly introduced evaluation system, the relevant substructure for "Monitoring, Evaluation and Strategic Planning" was established at the Organizational Development Directorate, which will be responsible for conducting the necessary inspections of the regional organizations of the Bulgarian Red Cross. An internal organizational team for monitoring and evaluation of BRC projects was formed at the new department, consisting of full-time employees and volunteers at national and regional level. The members of the team are experts with competence and experience in various fields, who can give an objective assessment of the status of implemented projects according to certain criteria, technology and methods for collecting information, based on interviews, available documentary sources, internal regulations, etc. . The thus created flexible organizational model for monitoring and evaluation provides an opportunity to work in a team in order to provide methodological support at all structural levels of the organization, take corrective action in the course of project implementation and integrate the approach as a preliminary stage of participatory planning. follow-up activities. Efforts are focused on creating a system for summarizing experience, disseminating knowledge and raising awareness of the strategic importance of monitoring and evaluation of the BRC by organizing an information database accessible to all employees and volunteers of the organization.

The implementation of the mentioned steps contributes to the strengthening of the organizational capacity and to the formation of a modern institutional culture in the Bulgarian Red Cross.