Together for Integration Project

Together for Integration Project

The Bulgarian Red Cross, together with the Sofia Municipality of Vitosha and Oborishte, and the Nadia Center Foundation have launched a new project aimed at supporting the integration of third-country nationals in Bulgaria by applying an integrated approach by civil society organizations and central, regional and local authorities.
Goals and tasks:
1. Inclusion in the labor market of newly arrived GTDs through early assessment of their skills and qualifications, combined with language training, specialized guidance and mentoring;
2. Coordination of housing policies with equal access to employment, healthcare and health services; activities related to cross-sectoral interaction, including by strengthening communication between the local, regional and national levels, including activities to provide housing support to beneficiaries of international protection related to other integration activities;
3. Building a model of interaction between municipalities / local authorities and NGOs in providing integration measures to the GTD.
4. Ensuring access to specific health care in relation to the mental health of the GTD;
5. Promoting the exchange with the host society through voluntary, sports and cultural initiatives;
6. Capacity building for work with GTD at the level of municipalities and institutions;

The leading organization of the project is the Bulgarian Red Cross

Project partners:
Municipality of Vitosha
Oborishte District Municipality
Nadia Center Foundation