Prepared together for disasters, accidents and crises


Implementing Agency: BULGARIAN RED CROSS

Implementation period: 24 months

Territorial scope: Vidin, Montana, Pernik districts

Source of funding:
  • Bulgarian-Swiss cooperation program
  • Thematic Fund - "Fund for Reforms Related to Civil Society Participation"

  • Total budget (amount of eligible costs) - BGN 372,186.00
  • Amount of the grant - 334 967,40 BGN / 90%
  • Own contribution of the Bulgarian Red Cross - 37 218,60 BGN / 10%

Project goal:
  • Strengthening the capacities of the representatives of the vulnerable groups to deal with the immediate consequences of the SAR in the disadvantaged regions;
  • Improving the capacity of the Bulgarian Red Cross to work with citizens from vulnerable categories at the Bulgarian Red Cross;
  • Strengthening the capacity of the Bulgarian Red Cross to mobilize civic support (including active volunteering) at the BAC.

The project is aimed at the implementation of a system of social activities for the preparation of vulnerable groups for response at the SAC and in particular:
1. Identification of the specific needs of vulnerable groups in BAC;
2. Analysis of the networks for rendering assistance at BAC, expansion of the existing ones;
3. Training of volunteers to work with vulnerable groups at BAC;
4. Preparation of information and training materials for action at the SAC, in accordance with the needs of vulnerable groups;
5. Practical lesson / simulation / of BAC for testing the work of volunteers with representatives of vulnerable groups.

The first training module has been completed >> link