Let's get to know the other project

This document was created with the financial support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, co-financed by the European Union. The entire responsibility for the content of the document lies with the Bulgarian Red Cross Association and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Responsible Authority.

Responsible body: Ministry of Interior

Beneficiary of the project: Bulgarian Red Cross in partnership with the State Agency for Child Protection

Target group of the project: Third-country nationals legally residing in the Republic of Bulgaria, including persons seeking and receiving international protection, as well as the host society

Implementation period: January 3, 2018 - December 31, 2020

Main project activities :
  • Conducting a nationally representative survey of public attitudes towards third-country nationals and persons seeking and receiving international protection (LTM / LMP)
  • Establishment of an advisory media council
  • Development of a communication strategy on asylum and migration issues and an operational plan for its implementation
  • Conducting two national information campaigns and three regional campaigns - one in Sofia, Sliven and Haskovo, to raise awareness in the host society about those seeking and receiving international protection and to promote inter-cultural tolerance


This document was created with the financial support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, co-financed by the European Union. The entire responsibility for the content of the document lies with the Bulgarian Red Cross Association and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the Responsible Authority.


Under the procedure "Preparation and implementation of national information campaigns" under project BG65AMNP001-2.004-0008-C04 "Getting to know the other" according to the grant agreement №812108-105 / 20.12.2017, funded by the National Program of Bulgaria for support from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the period 2014-2020, co-financed by the EU.
The documentation for participation in the procedure is available at:
The single information portal for the funds from the European Union / UMIS 2020 website https://eumis2020.government.bg/
The website of the Responsible Authority https://www.mvr.bg/dmp/deynosti/fondove/fond-ubezhishte-migratsiya-i-integratsiya-2014-2020/obeschestvenni-porachki-i-proceduri-za-izbor-na-izpolnitel /
The website of the Bulgarian Red Cross Association http://www.redcross.bg/
The tenders of the interested persons shall be submitted by 23:59 on 28.04.2022 . through the UMIS 2020 website https://eumis2020.government.bg/
The examination of the offers will take place from 11:00 am on April 29, 2022 in the building of the Bulgarian Red Cross Association, at the address: 76 James Boucher Blvd., 1407 Sofia.

For contacts: Mrs. M. Bakardzhieva , e-mail: m.bakardzhieva@redcross.bg

The necessary documents related to the procedure can be downloaded here:

Expired invitations - 5. 4 2022

Expired invitations - 16. 2 2022

Expired invitations - July 27, 2019

Expired invitations - June 2019

Expired invitations - March 2019