Older women in Europe

The Bulgarian Red Cross is working on the project "Older Women in Europe" , Partnership for Knowledge under the Grundtvig Sectoral Program. Project partners are NGOs from Austria, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Lithuania.

The aim is to make a comparative study of the lifestyle of older women in Europe. The target group of the project are women over 50 years of age. The biographies of the members of the group will be described in a creative way. All project partners will present such biographies and some of them will be published and printed on a calendar (each month of the year will be presented with an interesting story of a volunteer). Communication between the project partners will be via Skype and forums. The idea is for women over the age of 50 to learn to use new technical means to overcome the boundaries of international data exchange (Internet, e-mail) and language problems, for example through the use of Internet translation tools. During the project period, working meetings will be held in the partner countries - Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany. The duration of the project is 12 months.